Maps & Projects

Current Project:
ctf_*No name now*- I have to get cool name for it, A ctf map based on two forts of ctf_2Fort, in desert style, in center of map are some small buildings. On right side a hay storage, on left you can access roof of one building for good sniping position. Red base is typical 2Fort base (!NOT COPY!), Very nice architecture with many of un-accessible places. Blu base is build in cliff, with very interesting places. Map is relativlely small. Maybe smaller than 2Fort so it supports very fast-paced fights with many different strategies.

Done projects:
Test_01 - My first project, No ligting, big places and no skybox (only rock around map and above map), lost due to reinstall of system
cp_plague - Lost project due to reinstall of system. 2D skybox, Interesting design but no lighting, No displacements
ctf_trainstation - Removed because of bad idea and long developement, not done, stupid concept, bad gameplay
arena_surface_tension - Tf2 recreation of famous Surface Tension HL1 level. Developement ended about week ago. Lost because system failure and complete reinstal.

I have started mapping about 2 Years ago, i never developed map that will play about more than 2 People.
My wish is to develop a map that will win a contest. Or be played on some server with lot of players.